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What Causes Diarrhoea After Eating?

Diarrhoea tablets are in huge demand. Diarrhoea after eating is medically known as PD – postprandial diarrhoea. It’s a frustrating condition and something thousands deal with daily. Sudden bowel movements can be incredibly frustrating and annoying, to say the least, and quite uncomfortable too. This is a common issue, but one that can be serious for you. Often, it’s known as acute PD and lasts around two weeks. So, what causes diarrhoea after eating, and how to deal with the problem?

Food Poisoning and a Viral Infection

There are many causes of diarrhoea after eating, but one of the more popular options is food poisoning. Now, this is quite common among many and it’s often because food hasn’t been cooked properly or bacteria has gotten into your system. Despite what you might think, it’s common to get food poisoning and it might be a simple error that’s caused the issue. For instance, you have undercooked a piece of steak or you left a piece of raw meat out and consumed it later. You’ll find diarrhoea tablets useful and may help ease the problem.

Viral infections can also cause a sudden influx of diarrhoea. You could use diarrhoea tablets to ease the problem, however, it might not fully solve it. If you have a viral, you must wait for that to pass out of your system. It’s more likely to occur if you have a stomach bug or a flu. Read more!

Lactose Intolerance and An Aversion to Antibiotics

Diarrhoea after eating is quite common for those who are intolerant to lactose. Those who are allergic to milk can’t digest lactose and will expensive diarrhoea. diarrhoea tablets may ease the problem; however, the problem will occur again if you consume daily items. It’s also possible that diarrhoea could be caused by antibiotics. These could upset your stomach and cause acute diarrhoea also.

Consult a Physician

There are a dozen different reasons why you might experience diarrhoea after eating. This can include IBS, minor stomach bugs, and much more. However, some can last longer than others. However, it might be a smart idea to consult a doctor or physician if the condition lasts over a week. While acute PD can clear up within a few weeks, you might need some medication to help. Remember, diarrhoea can cause dehydration and other problems, so it’s crucial to maybe seek medical advice. diarrhoea tablets could help ease things, but it might not fully cure the problem. It’s possible, there are other medical problems, so it’s best to get it checked.

Overcome the Problem

It could be a simple dietary change that makes the difference, then again, it could be a bug that has to run its course. With diarrhoea, it’s difficult to be certain and that’s why speaking to a medical professional is worthwhile. Of course, there are many things you can do to help ease the condition, including using tablets. For most, the problem will resolve itself within a relatively short period of time, unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. Seeking medical advice is important and can help speed up the process. diarrhoea tablets are useful and may help on some levels. Learn more details at:

Why Diarrhea is Good When You’re Sick

Why Diarrhea is Good When You’re Sick

There are so many common symptoms between illnesses, and one of the most common is diarrhea. This might sound gross, but diarrhea might be a good sign when you are sick. Diarrhea does not only mean that you have stomach bugs. Just like fever, it means your body is responding to a foreign body.

It is a very unpleasant and uncomfortable experience but it is a good sign that your system is working. Here we aim to explain what diarrhea is and its impact on our health when we are sick.

What is diarrhea

Diarrhea is the expulsion of watery waste from our system. It isaccompanied by abdominal pains and a host of other symptoms depending on what is causing it.

Foreign bodies present in our bowels can trigger diarrhea. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and every other microorganism can cause diarrhea. These microorganisms usually come into our systems through the food and water we drink. Hence, one has to be careful with what they take in.

Having said that, I would like to say that diarrhea is not always an illness. Sometimes it is all you might need to help you recover faster from your illness.

Diarrhea has for long been described as an uncomfortable and disgusting illness. But what if I tell you that diarrhea might be good for you? Yes!  It is. Learn more!

Diarrhea cleanses our intestine of pathogens

Diarrhea Helps to flush intestinal pathogens out of the body. Several studies have been carried out to prove this feat but one that has stood out is the one that the researchers used mice to experiment.

The researchers injected mice with strains of a bacteria called Citrobacter rodentium. This bacteria is the mouse counterpart of Escherichia coli, which is known to be one of the major causes of diarrhea.

After injecting the mice, they went on the monitor the activities of the bacteria on its intestinal walls. The researchers found out in less than two days, the pores of the mice’s intestinal walls became more porous.

This simply means that it became more permeable, allowing more water and other minerals to be lost. Well,  this should explain why diarrhea poop is watery.

The researchers also found out the increase in porosity of the intestinal walls happened long before the intestines became inflamed. This Inflammation damaged the cell wall. However, the increased porosity also protected the walls of the intestines before it was damaged.

Next, the researchers also found out that the influx of water into the intestines, and out of the intestine helped to clear out most of the pathogens. This in turn reduced the seriousness of diarrhea.

So,  diarrhea does more for us than just disgusts us and it has been scientifically proven by this research.



After reading this article, I hope we all get to see diarrhea as a healthy friend than an unhealthy foe. Diarrhea grossly clears your system, but it is needed.

If you experience Diarrhea while sick, endeavor to drink a lot of water, sports drinks, energy drinks, and healthy soups. This would help to replace the fluids you have lost. Also, stick to a bland diet until the symptom goes away. Remember that if diarrhea persists long after the illness, you would have to see a doctor. Find out more at:

Insect Bites and Stings Treatments with Children

Having insect bite cream handy when an insect bite occurs is essential. Unfortunately, when a child is stung or bitten, it’s a frightening experience for them. While most children can be treated with some antiseptic cream to soothe the pain and prevent infection, more treatment might be needed. Fortunately, it’s fairly straightforward to treat minor insect bites and stings with children. So, how should you treat them?

Dealing with Honeybee Stings and Bites

If the child has been stung by a honeybee, it’s likely they’ll leave the stinger behind. It’s nasty and most children (and adults) will panic. You might even be tempted to pull the stinger out; however, you do not want to pinch or remove it with tweezers. This can actually cause more venom to be injected into the skin; instead, you want to carefully scrape the stinger away with a smooth object like a card or your fingernail. Once the stinger is removed, wash the area with water and sensitive or mild soap. For insect bites, the area should be cleaned, washed, and some insect bite cream can be applied. If it’s a severe bite, additional treatment may be required.

How to Treat the Symptoms of Insect Bites or Stings?

Once the area has been cleansed, it’s essential to apply an ice pack onto the area. This may help reduce swelling. An antihistamine (suitable for children) can also be used to prevent a bad reaction from occurring, depending on the severity of the bite. You may also want to use suitable child pain relievers to deal with the pain and insect bite cream could be applied to prevent itching. If the child has experienced a bite or sting near their mouth or the wound is oozing fluid or getting bigger, it’s time to seek treatment from a doctor. For more information, visit:

What to Do In Extreme Circumstances?

While the majority of insect bites and stings will be fairly mild, some may be fairly severe. In those cases, you need to seek emergency treatment for the child. If the child faints or feels dizzy, they may be taking a bad reaction to the bite or sting. When the child experiences swelling around the bite, break out in hives, or experienced difficulties breathing, it’s essential to seek immediate medical treatment. While you may be tempted to use insect bite cream, it mightn’t be enough to treat the bite, and is important to speak to a doctor.

What’s more, if a child has an allergic reaction or has had one in the past to an insect sting or bite, you need to get them to the hospital immediately. If you can, call the emergency services. This isn’t an overreaction; it’s about keeping the child safe and being extra cautious for their safety. Sometimes, insect bite cream won’t be enough to soothe the problem.

Protect Your Child

Insect bites and stings are awful at any age and they’re especially worse in children because they don’t always deal with pain as well as some adults. Of course, some bites are worse than others, it depends on how the child’s body reacts to the bite and their severity. Sometimes, it’s necessary to visit a doctor within the same day of the bite or sting just to ensure there’s no infection forming. Insect bite cream can be useful to have and if in doubt, speak to a doctor immediately after the incident occurs. Click here!

What You Should Know About Diarrhea

Studies have shown that before the age of five, most people will have experienced a case of diarrhea more than ten times different. In addition to the common cold, diarrhea is the most popular medical problem among humans in the world nowadays. However, very few people really understand the causes of diarrhea. If you wondered what causes diarrhea, you possibly won’t be surprised to know that there are several factors that contribute to this common problem. Knowing the most likely cause of diarrhea for your condition makes it easier to solve.

What Is Diarrhea?

To understand what causes diarrhea, you must first know how your digestive system works to eliminate waste from the body. When you eat food, the stomach breaks it down and digests it, which then sends the broken food to the rest of the digestive method. There, your intestines and colon are put to work absorbing nutrients and most of the water from food, leaving only waste. When food and fluids go through your colon too rapidly or in too big an amount, it can cause the most common causes of diarrhea, read more about diarrhea symptoms and treatments at

Most Common Causes of Diarrhea

When you are tired of suffering from the causes of diarrhea, the easiest is to change your diet or the speed at which you are eating. But these are not the only causes of diarrhea that can make normal bowel movements difficult. Here are a few additional factors that may answer the question of what causes diarrhea:

What You Should Know About Diarrhea

    1. Virus: Including cytomegalovirus, Norwalk virus and viral hepatitis, and rotavirus – common diarrhea in children. click here to read more about viruses.
    2. Bacteria and parasites: Including Giardia lamblia, campylobacter, cryptosporidium, salmonella, and Escherichia coli.
    3. Lactose intolerance: Most people have an intestinal enzyme that helps them digest lactose in dairy and milk products, but when this enzyme is lacking, eating dairy can cause bloating, cramping and diarrhea.
    4. Artificial sweeteners: Sorbitol and mannitol, in addition to other sweeteners found in chewing gum and sweets, can also act as a cause of diarrhea for several people.

Treatment of the Causes of Diarrhea

It is essential to pay attention to the signals that your body is sending you, as they can be critical in determining the causes of diarrhea that are almost certain to affect you. Most kinds of diarrhea will just last several hours and disappear on their own, or they can be treated by diarrhoea tablets. If the cause of diarrhea is more severe, as in the case of a virus or parasite, it may be required to seek a more complete treatment.

There are some natural remedies such as probiotic supplements that can help if your doctor determines that the causes of diarrhea are affecting you and are related to an imbalance or invasion of harmful bacteria in your digestive system. Probiotics are helpful bacteria that help restore the balance of your colon and soothe the irritation caused by diarrhea.


While diarrhea is a common condition that usually does not cause serious health problems when experienced occasionally. If you have prolonged diarrhea or accompanied by a fever that lasts more than twenty-four hours, you should contact your doctor for advice.

Diarrhea in Children: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Diarrhea and vomiting in children are often owing to gastroenteritis that normally known as stomach flu, a very transmittable viral infection of the gastrointestinal tract . Other causes can include food poisoning, insect bite cream and reactions to food or beverages (for example, lactose intolerance). Several children may develop gastrointestinal symptoms, such as abdominal pain, soft stools, and swelling by reason of emotional stress, such as irritable bowel syndrome.

Younger children usually have what is sometimes known as child diarrhea: watery stools in which pieces of food can be seen. This is because food is not digested accurately, and this often disappears as the child grows. Also, vomiting without diarrhea is a natural symptom of several other fundamental problems that may not be related to the gastrointestinal tract. Examples would include middle ear infections and also urinary tract infections.

What You Can Do:

The major risk of persistent vomiting and diarrhea is dehydration. It is essential to ensure adequate fluid intake and careful monitoring of your child’s hydration status. Make sure your child has enough to drink. Take frequent sips of fluids if vomiting is a problem. Sweetened liquids or oral rehydration salts are better absorbed by the intestine compared to plain here to read more about diarrhea medicine.

Diarrhea in Children: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Stick to soft foods like soups and porridge. If your child’s symptoms normalize, return gradually to the normal diet. If there is a fever, paracetamol can be given consistent with the prescribed doses. Your doctor or pediatrician may use medications to relieve abdominal pain and diarrhea. Be careful with the use of anti-vomiting and diarrhea tablets in children under 2 years.

You Should See Your Doctor If:

    • Your baby refuses to drink or shows signs of dehydration (such as sunken eyes, dry mouth and tongue, has not urinated for more than six hours or seems abnormally sleepy).
    • There is blood in your baby’s vomit or stool.
    • After 24 hours, your child’s symptoms do not seem to improve.
    • Your child complains of serious pain or seems to be very sick.

Spread Prevention:

Gastroenteritis is disreputably contagious and is scrupulous about hygiene to put off it from spreading within the family and the community in general. Children commonly get the infection from school when they interact with other children with gastroenteritis, read more about diarrhea prevention at Follow these tips to keep safe from vomiting and diarrhea in children:

    • Wash your hands before and after handling food and using the bathroom.
    • Wash your hands carefully with water and soap before and after handling your sick child.
    • Always use separate towels for your child to put off cross infections.
    • Avoid sharing food as well as utensils.
    • Remind your child to avoid touching his eyes, nose, and mouth.
    • Especially before and after meals, make sure your child washes their hands regularly.


Most children with gastroenteritis do not need any medication. The main treatment is to make sure that your baby remains well hydrated. Your doctor can provide you several medications for stomach pain or vomiting occasionally. In general, medications used to prevent vomiting and diarrhea in adults are not used in children because of side effects.

Diarrhea Causes, Medicine, Treatment, Home Remedies

Diarrhea is a very unpleasant and sometimes embarrassing problem. Unless it is related to medicine, it generally does not announce its intention to jump, it just starts. There are several reasons, and it can affect anybody at any age. In the very young and old it can be a serious problem, although it generally does not.

Most Common Causes of Diarrhea

One of the most frequent sources of diarrhea is food poisoning. Sometimes it is confused with a flu virus and is called stomach flu. Prevention is always your best bet. Wash all fruits and vegetables carefully to eliminate bacteria and chemicals. Always cook meat and chicken at a minimum of 165 degrees and also cook the egg yolks completely.

There are foods that can also trigger this problem. You have possibly heard the phrase that “green apple in two steps,” and eating green apples may be the culprit. Eating a large number of grapes and unripe can be a fight as well. If you like these, keep in mind to participate in small amounts to avoid spending an unpleasant amount of time in the reading room.

There can be various warnings for you when it comes to medications, although you may have to understand the accompanying literature to discover, if children get temperature paracetamol for children can release the fever systoms. Laxatives are known to develop bowel movements and can lead to diarrhea like symptoms. What might shock you is that both antibiotics and antacids could lead to the issue. Antacids with magnesium are more likely to do so.

Diarrhea Causes

Home Remedies

Before going into details, there are some common things to do. Be sure to stay well hydrated, as you will lose a large amount of fluid in the course of the disease. Keep food on the bland side and do not eat fat amounts of food, because it will increase stress in your gastrointestinal tract. There are over-the-counter remedies for this issue, and they must not interfere with most of the home remedies below:

  1. Apples

You can use applesauce, however, scraping the inside of a raw apple and also eating it is even better. Do not eat unripe apples and do not eat a lot of them. A small amount of apple juice may help if the patient is a baby, but do not overdo it because it could make the problems worse.

  1. Blackberry Leaf Tea

Tannic acids and astringent qualities of blackberry leaves can help decrease diarrhea risk and soothe the intestines during an episode. It has antioxidants as well, which adds health benefits to more about diarrhea risks at

  1. Licorice

The root of this plant can cover your intestines and stomach, giving them the opportunity to calm down. Diabetics should use Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL) since that eliminates sugars. Stick with the marshmallow if you have high blood pressure, as licorice can cause it to rise.

  1. Tea

Tea contains tannins like blackberry leaves that can help cut risks and soothe the intestines. Although any tea could help, black tea is the best. If you have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, depression or high blood pressure, avoid tea or use decaffeinated, as the caffeine content could worsen the other medical conditions.


It is possible to resolve diarrhea in a fairly short period of time. Contact a doctor if it does not resolve quickly, as you may need something stronger to overcome the problem. Before starting any new supplement program, ask your doctor or physician. Make sure to provide information on all medical conditions you have, in addition to any medications or supplements that you use. This will certainly help you avoid dangerous side effects and interactions between herbs and medications.