Category: Medicine

What Can You Take for Diarrhoea While Pregnant?

You’re experiencing a bout of diarrhoea and reaching for those diarrhoea tablets, but you’re pregnant and having second thoughts. It’s always a trouble time when you experience diarrhoea. It’s not the most pleasant ailment to deal with and when you’re pregnant you can be even more concerned, if only for the baby’s health. When you feel unwell during your pregnancy, you can worry about the baby, and it only adds to the situation. So, are diarrhoea tablets safe to use during pregnancy, and when should you contact a doctor?

Diarrhoea Tablets Could Be a Viable Solution

While some medications might pose a significant risk to the growth and development of an unborn baby, diarrhoea tablets are often thought as a safe medication during pregnancy. Of course, before you take any tablets or medication, you could speak to your doctor or pharmacist to be 100% sure. Generally, the ingredients include Imodium and that could help slow down diarrhoea. This could be a terrific way to deal with the problem.

Always Replenish Fluids Lost

Diarrhoea may only last a few hours in some minor cases, however, during that time you lose fluid. That could lead to dehydration and may lead to serious health complications. It is essential to ensure you consume fluids, such as water, to replenish whatever fluids you lose. While you might not think about it, it’s crucial to ensure you remain hydrated. Even when you use diarrhoea tablets, it can still cause you to lose fluids; so, it’s essential to ensure you keep drinking water. Learn more!

When To Call a doctor?

While most people experience minor bouts of diarrhoea, some might experience a more severe case. It’s most likely to be down to a bacterial infection, such as food poisoning. It’s essential to monitor your diarrhoea over the course of several hours. However, if you do feel worse as the day goes on, you might need to call your doctor for advice. You should always telephone or visit a doctor when you feel feverish, dehydrated, fatigued, urinating less, and feel contractions. Even if you aren’t feeling unwell, you could still call a doctor. While diarrhoea tablets might provide some relieve, you could speak to a doctor for advice, nonetheless.

Always Be Cautious

You mightn’t feel like it’s necessary to speak to a doctor when you have diarrhoea, but if you are worried, contact them. At the end of the day, you are being cautious for yourself and the baby. You might find that your mind is put at ease after speaking to a doctor. Even if they just recommend diarrhoea tablets, it’s still reassuring, to say the least. There is nothing wrong with being overly cautious, even if the diarrhoea isn’t severe.

Be Safe and Rest

Diarrhoea can take a lot out of you, physically and mentally. You might even be worried about the impact on the baby and if everything is fine with them. It’s understandable because it’s a nervy time for most mothers and fathers. You should do what you can to rest, drink fluids to replenish what has been lost, and speak to your doctor if you need to be reassured. Diarrhoea tablets might help deal with the problem too. Click here for more information:

What You Should Know About Diarrhea

Studies have shown that before the age of five, most people will have experienced a case of diarrhea more than ten times different. In addition to the common cold, diarrhea is the most popular medical problem among humans in the world nowadays. However, very few people really understand the causes of diarrhea. If you wondered what causes diarrhea, you possibly won’t be surprised to know that there are several factors that contribute to this common problem. Knowing the most likely cause of diarrhea for your condition makes it easier to solve.

What Is Diarrhea?

To understand what causes diarrhea, you must first know how your digestive system works to eliminate waste from the body. When you eat food, the stomach breaks it down and digests it, which then sends the broken food to the rest of the digestive method. There, your intestines and colon are put to work absorbing nutrients and most of the water from food, leaving only waste. When food and fluids go through your colon too rapidly or in too big an amount, it can cause the most common causes of diarrhea, read more about diarrhea symptoms and treatments at

Most Common Causes of Diarrhea

When you are tired of suffering from the causes of diarrhea, the easiest is to change your diet or the speed at which you are eating. But these are not the only causes of diarrhea that can make normal bowel movements difficult. Here are a few additional factors that may answer the question of what causes diarrhea:

What You Should Know About Diarrhea

    1. Virus: Including cytomegalovirus, Norwalk virus and viral hepatitis, and rotavirus – common diarrhea in children. click here to read more about viruses.
    2. Bacteria and parasites: Including Giardia lamblia, campylobacter, cryptosporidium, salmonella, and Escherichia coli.
    3. Lactose intolerance: Most people have an intestinal enzyme that helps them digest lactose in dairy and milk products, but when this enzyme is lacking, eating dairy can cause bloating, cramping and diarrhea.
    4. Artificial sweeteners: Sorbitol and mannitol, in addition to other sweeteners found in chewing gum and sweets, can also act as a cause of diarrhea for several people.

Treatment of the Causes of Diarrhea

It is essential to pay attention to the signals that your body is sending you, as they can be critical in determining the causes of diarrhea that are almost certain to affect you. Most kinds of diarrhea will just last several hours and disappear on their own, or they can be treated by diarrhoea tablets. If the cause of diarrhea is more severe, as in the case of a virus or parasite, it may be required to seek a more complete treatment.

There are some natural remedies such as probiotic supplements that can help if your doctor determines that the causes of diarrhea are affecting you and are related to an imbalance or invasion of harmful bacteria in your digestive system. Probiotics are helpful bacteria that help restore the balance of your colon and soothe the irritation caused by diarrhea.


While diarrhea is a common condition that usually does not cause serious health problems when experienced occasionally. If you have prolonged diarrhea or accompanied by a fever that lasts more than twenty-four hours, you should contact your doctor for advice.

Diarrhea in Children: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Diarrhea and vomiting in children are often owing to gastroenteritis that normally known as stomach flu, a very transmittable viral infection of the gastrointestinal tract . Other causes can include food poisoning, insect bite cream and reactions to food or beverages (for example, lactose intolerance). Several children may develop gastrointestinal symptoms, such as abdominal pain, soft stools, and swelling by reason of emotional stress, such as irritable bowel syndrome.

Younger children usually have what is sometimes known as child diarrhea: watery stools in which pieces of food can be seen. This is because food is not digested accurately, and this often disappears as the child grows. Also, vomiting without diarrhea is a natural symptom of several other fundamental problems that may not be related to the gastrointestinal tract. Examples would include middle ear infections and also urinary tract infections.

What You Can Do:

The major risk of persistent vomiting and diarrhea is dehydration. It is essential to ensure adequate fluid intake and careful monitoring of your child’s hydration status. Make sure your child has enough to drink. Take frequent sips of fluids if vomiting is a problem. Sweetened liquids or oral rehydration salts are better absorbed by the intestine compared to plain here to read more about diarrhea medicine.

Diarrhea in Children: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Stick to soft foods like soups and porridge. If your child’s symptoms normalize, return gradually to the normal diet. If there is a fever, paracetamol can be given consistent with the prescribed doses. Your doctor or pediatrician may use medications to relieve abdominal pain and diarrhea. Be careful with the use of anti-vomiting and diarrhea tablets in children under 2 years.

You Should See Your Doctor If:

    • Your baby refuses to drink or shows signs of dehydration (such as sunken eyes, dry mouth and tongue, has not urinated for more than six hours or seems abnormally sleepy).
    • There is blood in your baby’s vomit or stool.
    • After 24 hours, your child’s symptoms do not seem to improve.
    • Your child complains of serious pain or seems to be very sick.

Spread Prevention:

Gastroenteritis is disreputably contagious and is scrupulous about hygiene to put off it from spreading within the family and the community in general. Children commonly get the infection from school when they interact with other children with gastroenteritis, read more about diarrhea prevention at Follow these tips to keep safe from vomiting and diarrhea in children:

    • Wash your hands before and after handling food and using the bathroom.
    • Wash your hands carefully with water and soap before and after handling your sick child.
    • Always use separate towels for your child to put off cross infections.
    • Avoid sharing food as well as utensils.
    • Remind your child to avoid touching his eyes, nose, and mouth.
    • Especially before and after meals, make sure your child washes their hands regularly.


Most children with gastroenteritis do not need any medication. The main treatment is to make sure that your baby remains well hydrated. Your doctor can provide you several medications for stomach pain or vomiting occasionally. In general, medications used to prevent vomiting and diarrhea in adults are not used in children because of side effects.